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Drawing & Coloring

Heath and Safety Guidelines

Please read the following health & safety guidelines that will be in place at our tutoring center.

We will continue to monitor & update guidelines based on state, local & CDC.

  • Every person (including teachers) entering our center, and while inside our premises, are required to wear masks (3 years and up) regardless of the vaccination status.

  • Students will be allowed to bring their water bottle into the classroom. No snacks during lessons, please.

  • We are limiting the number of people in the classroom to 12 to help provide safe and healthy environment. All guests are asked to maintain social distance of 6 ft. Parents staying at the center during the sessions are also encouraged to keep social distance while waiting.

  • We will use a non-contact thermometer to check temperatures upon each student and adult entering the center. Any child or parent with a temperature of 99 degrees Fahrenheit (37.2 degrees Celsius) or over will be asked to go home and schedule a makeup class once you have been fever-free for 72 hours.

  • Hand sanitizer will be available upon entrance and is encouraged upon arrival/leaving, and after bathroom breaks.

  • Please, do not send your child to class if they are not feeling well or are exhibiting any type of symptoms, such as

  • Fever

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing,

  • Fatigue

  • Chills

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Headache

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Sore throat

  • Congestion or runny nose

  • Diarrhea, vomiting, or stomachache

  • If your child is recovering from an illness, please, email us a doctor’s note prior to your arrival that clearly states your child is not contagious and is cleared to attend class. Otherwise, any children with symptoms will be asked to go home to prevent the spread of infection. Your cooperation and understanding in this matter are highly appreciated.

  • If you are experiencing or have experienced COVID-related symptoms within the last 10 days, we ask that you stay home. Please, provide a negative COVID test result prior to return to our center. Please, contact us to schedule a makeup class when your symptoms have improved, and it’s been 10 days since symptoms appeared.

  • If you, or anyone you have been in contact with, have been exposed to, or tested positive for covid-19, we ask that you please stay home and follow guidelines outlined by the CDC.

  • Bathroom breaks - we ask that you encourage your child to use the bathroom before coming to class. If your child does need to use the restroom during class, parents of young children will be asked to accompany them, or the teachers will be able to assist as well. Please do wash your hands - and teachers will administer hand sanitizer upon their re-entrance into the classroom.

  • Extra cleaning - we clean and sanitize the center before, between, as well as after the sessions.

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